Parent Teacher Association
Whitechurch National School has an active and enthusiastic Parent Teacher Association. They contribute extensively to the life of the school- organising extra curricular activities, parents social and information events, fundraising and supporting the work of the school in many other ways. Without the support of the PTA, the school would not be able to provide the comprehensive and broad educational experience to the children in the school.

The PTA Committee for the school year 2024-2025:
Rachel O'Donoghue (Chairperson)
Jennifer Donnelly (Secretary)
Etain Magennis (Treasurer)
Sarah Richards (Principal)
Miriam Barry (Teacher Representative)
David O'Donoghue and Sinéad Mc Goran (Board of Management Representatives)
Jill Moffett (Hockey Representative)
Catherine Bell (PTA Class Rep Liaison)
Sarah Courtenay (Communications)
Stefania Ivaturi (Extra Curricular Activities) + (Purchasing)
Zoe Phelan (Extra Curricular Activities)
Jenny Sherwin (May Fete Committee Rep)
Angela Hennessey (May Fete Committee Rep)
PTA Extra Curricular Activities
The PTA organises a great many extra curricular activities for our pupils. These activities can vary year to year depending on demand and interests. The current range of activities are listed below:
Lego Club
For further information please contact the PTA via the School Office.
The PTA is a member of the National Parents Council. The NPC have a website which you can access in a new window by clicking on the link below:
The PTA has won the Fred O'Connell Award from the NPC for their Buddy Parent initiative. This sees all new parents in the school paired up with an existing 'buddy parent'. New parents have told us that it really helps to make them feel welcome in the school and is a great source of advice. Pictured below is parent Ann Marie Trenaman accepting the award from the NPC on behalf of the WNS PTA.

PTA Parent Nights/ Talks
The PTA sometimes organise parent nights/ talks on various relevant topics which provide an opportunity for parents to meet each other and to hear about interesting topics. Past nights included talks on parenting, bullying, cyber safety, decluttering, wellbeing, nutrition, Well known author and psychologist, Sheila O' Malley spoke about self esteem and bullying at one of our parent talks.
The night was extremely useful with Sheila giving all who attended an insightful talk full of practical tips.
Please click on the link below to view Sheila's tips for 'bullyproofing' your child:

PTA Meetings
Our PTA is led by an enthusiastic and active committee. The PTA committee meet regularly to dicuss fundraising, parental involvement with the school, extra curricular activites, and other issues relevant to the parents. If you have any issues that you would like to raise at a PTA meeting, please let your class rep know or speak to one of the PTA committee members. Please note that PTA meetings are a forum to discuss the PTA work within the school. If you have a concern or issues related to your child, please talk to the class teacher who will be better equipped to advise you specifically about your child.
PTA Class Reps
Each class has a PTA Class Rep who run a class What's App Group for parents and help to disseminate information from the PTA. We are very grateful to this year's Class Reps:
Junior Infants- Gemma Mc Carrick
Senior Infants- Nichola Hosie
1st Class - Kira Adams
2nd Class - Emma Neill O'Toole
3rd Class - Mairéad Dorney
4th Class - Eve Prendergast
5th Class - Lisa Carey
6th Class - Rachel Clarke
PTA Fundraising
The PTA help to fundraise for extra things for the school not covered by the DES grants. In recent years, the PTA have helped to raise funds for laptops and iPads and a new synthetic soft sports surface for the playground.
Pictured below is the opening of our resurfaced playground. (Left to right-
Sarah Richards, Principal. Lindsay Delahunty, Sandra Younge & Rowan Hillis, P.T.A. members & Canon Horace Mc Kinley, Chair, Board Of Management.